Can Braids Help Hair Growth?

Braids don’t directly make hair grow faster, but they can create a protective environment that promotes hair health and retention, indirectly contributing to growth.

Here’s how:

  • Reduced breakage and shedding: Braids keep strands together, minimizing friction and breakage, especially during sleep.
  • Protection from damage: Braids shield ends from elements and styling tools, preventing breakage and split ends.
  • Less manipulation: Braids require less frequent styling and detangling, reducing stress on hair.
  • Moisture retention: Braids can help hair stay moisturized, preventing dryness and breakage.

While braids don’t speed up growth, they can help you retain more length and keep hair healthy, leading to fuller, longer hair over time.

Understanding Hair Growth

Before delving into braids and hair growth, it’s essential to have a basic understanding of the hair growth cycle. The hair follicles on our scalp go through three distinct phases:

  • Anagen phase: This is the active growth phase of the hair follicle, where new cells are produced, and the hair grows.
  • Catagen phase: In this transitional phase, the hair follicle detaches from the blood supply and stops growing.
  • Telogen phase: Also known as the resting phase, the hair follicle remains dormant before shedding and starting the cycle anew.

It’s important to note that each hair strand goes through its growth cycle independently. As a result, it’s normal to shed around 50-100 hairs daily.

The Braiding Technique

Braiding involves weaving strands of hair together to create intricate patterns.

This hairstyle has been used for centuries and is popular among various cultures worldwide.

However, it’s crucial to understand that braiding does not directly impact the hair growth cycle or speed up the rate at which hair grows.

The Protective Effect of Braids

While braids may not directly influence hair growth, they can create a protective environment that indirectly contributes to healthier hair and length retention.

Here are some ways in which braids can help protect your hair:

Reduced Breakage and Shedding

Braids keep strands together, minimizing friction and breakage, especially during sleep.

When left loose, your hair can rub against your pillowcase or clothes, leading to increased breakage and shedding.

Braiding your hair provides added support and minimizes these damaging effects.

Protection from Damage

Braids shield the ends of your hair from external elements and styling tools. When your hair is left exposed, it becomes susceptible to environmental factors like sun exposure, wind damage, and pollution.

Excessive heat styling or chemical treatments can cause split ends and breakage. By braiding your hair, you create a barrier that helps protect your ends from these damaging factors.

Less Manipulation

Braids require less frequent styling and detangling, reducing the stress on your hair. Constant brushing, combing, and styling can lead to mechanical damage and breakage.

Opting for a braided hairstyle minimizes the need for daily manipulation, allowing your hair to rest and grow without unnecessary stress.

Moisture Retention

Braids can help your hair retain moisture, preventing dryness and breakage. When left loose, your hair is exposed to the elements and can lose moisture quickly.

Braiding your hair creates a protective barrier that seals in moisture and reduces moisture loss. This is especially beneficial for individuals with dry or brittle hair.

While braids don’t directly speed up the growth rate of your hair, they contribute to length retention by reducing breakage and protecting your strands from damage. This allows your hair to grow longer over time.

Proper Braiding Techniques for Hair Health

To maximize the protective benefits of braids and promote overall hair health, it’s essential to follow proper braiding techniques. Here are some tips:

  • Avoid tight braids: Tight braids can cause tension on the scalp and lead to traction alopecia, a condition characterized by hair loss due to excessive pulling. Opt for looser braids that don’t put too much stress on your scalp.
  • Moisturize your scalp: Before braiding your hair, ensure that your scalp is well moisturized. Utilize a lightweight oil or pass-on in conditioner to keep your scalp hydrated.
  • Don’t leave braids in for too long: While braids can be protective, leaving them in for extended periods can lead to matting and damage. Aim to keep your braids in for no longer than 6-8 weeks to prevent these issues.
  • Be gentle when removing braids: When it’s time to remove them, be gentle to avoid unnecessary breakage. Use a detangling spray or conditioner to soften the strands before carefully unraveling them.

By following these techniques, you can ensure that your braided hairstyles contribute positively to overall hair health without causing damage or breakage.

Other Factors Affecting Hair Growth

While braids can help protect your hair and promote length retention, it’s important to remember that other factors also influence hair growth.

Here are some additional factors to consider:

Diet and Nutrition

A decent eating routine plentiful in nutrients and minerals is essential for sound hair development.

Nutrients like biotin, vitamin E, and iron significantly promote strong and vibrant hair.

Ensure you consume fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains for optimal hair health.

Scalp Care

Maintaining a clean and healthy scalp is essential for promoting hair growth. Regularly cleanse your scalp with a gentle shampoo to remove dirt, excess oil, and product buildup.

Additionally, consider incorporating scalp massages into your routine to stimulate blood flow and promote a healthy environment for hair growth.

Overall Hair Care Routine

Your overall hair care routine plays a significant role in maintaining healthy hair and supporting growth.

Avoid unreasonable intensity styling, cruel compound therapies, and tight hairdos that can cause harm and breakage.

Be gentle when handling wet hair, and use wide-toothed combs or brushes designed for detangling without causing excessive tension.

By considering these factors alongside incorporating protective styles like braids into your routine, you can create an optimal environment for healthy hair growth.


While braids do not make hair grow faster, they offer several protective benefits that indirectly contribute to healthier hair and length retention.

Braided hairstyles can promote overall hair health by reducing breakage, protecting against damage, minimizing manipulation, and aiding moisture retention.

However, it’s important to remember that proper technique and maintenance are crucial for maximizing these benefits without causing harm or breakage.

By combining these practices with a well-rounded approach to overall hair care and considering other factors that influence growth, you can achieve fuller and longer hair over time.


 Do braids make hair grow faster?

No, braids do not directly make hair grow faster. The rate of hair growth is primarily determined by genetics and various internal factors.

How do braids contribute to hair growth?

While braids don’t speed up the growth rate of your hair, they help protect it from breakage and damage, allowing it to grow longer over time.

Can braids reduce hair breakage?

Braids can reduce hair breakage by keeping strands together and minimizing friction and breakage, especially during sleep.

Do braids protect hair from damage?

Braids act as a protective style by shielding the ends of your hair from external elements and styling tools, preventing breakage and split ends.

Does less manipulation through braiding promote hair growth?

Braids require less frequent styling and detangling, reducing stress on the hair and promoting healthier hair growth.

Can braids help retain moisture in the hair?

Braids can help retain moisture in the hair by creating a protective barrier that prevents excessive moisture loss, especially for those with dry or brittle hair.

Are there proper techniques for braiding to promote hair health?

Yes, it’s important to avoid tight braids that can cause tension on the scalp and lead to traction alopecia. Proper moisturization, not leaving braids in for too long, and gentle removal are also important for maintaining healthy hair.

Are there other factors that affect hair growth?

Yes, factors such as diet and nutrition, scalp care, and overall hair care routine play a significant role in promoting healthy hair growth.

How long should I keep braids in for optimal hair health?

Keeping braids in for no longer than 6-8 weeks is recommended to prevent issues like matting and damage.

 Can I achieve fuller and longer hair by incorporating braided hairstyles?

While braids don’t directly make your hair grow faster, they contribute to length retention and overall hair health, ultimately resulting in fuller and longer hair over time.